Monday, February 16, 2009

Gender Awareness

As in the majority of countries around the world, particularly the Global South, it is women who are most involved in food production. In Nepal, 80% of all agricultural work is done by the women of the family. This, along with the preparation of the food, rearing the children and running the household is very demanding. So, from field to fork, it is the women that feed the nation. But in a male dominated world, women rarely get chance to voice their opinions and in a lot of cases, possibly owing to the Hindu culture, they just passively accept their place in the background.

The CLPSP project has a strong social component to its training. As well as empowering women with technical education, through our recent Gender Awareness Training, all the women's groups discussed their role in society. We aimed to help them see just how important a role they play, but this was to happen through self realization. These trainings are inclusive of all castes in the community.

To be robbed of an identity through poverty is a most degrading feeling. We hope to give these women back the recognition they deserve.

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