Monday, November 17, 2008

So as demostrated by the chairperson of the Rumja Livestock Group (right), a basic mineral lick is quite easy to put together. Now what do you need?
  • 1kg of red mud, available by the mound around the farm. This is a source of iron (although the levels may vary, there are other minerals too- a soil sample will have to be examined)
  • Add to this 1kg of iodinated salt- rich in iodine and sodium.
  • Crush and grind very finely 10 roasted egg shells, full of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Mix in enough wheat flour and water to help bind it all together, in whatever shape you like, leaving a hole in the middle to tie it up
  • Sit it out in the baking sun for an afternoon an hey presto- an adequate source of minerals in a tasty lick!

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